
Explore Page


  • Idea

  • User Research

  • UX/UI Design


This was a project assigned by Designlab for a UX/UI Design course. The topic was “Adding a Feature” to an existing application/website. My choice was Pinterest. It has been a great tool and source of inspiration, especially for the design course assignments. However, I always thought their Explore page was a bit mismatched and flat compared to their other pages. I decided to create an upgraded version as my topic.

My Version


I saw the problem in a small execution of the design, but the layout had a solid foundation. 

I kept the original categories and tweaked the UI. The one addition to the page was the trending tags. It was originally located in the dropdown of the search bar but it would get more interaction if it was out in the open. 

For the visual design, I varied the size of the article links to break up the straight solid grid and more of a playful tile layout like the home page.

The shopping spotlight received a 4x4 tile instead of one picture to differentiate the section from the others. Another reason was to show more of what each shopping category included to attract more clicks.

  • 100% of users have bought a product from Pinterest before but 60% have not even seen the Shopping Spotlight section, a part of the Explore page. It seems like a missed opportunity for more revenue.

User Research

  • Opinion of the current design of the Explore page was heavily divided.